
Tuesday 10 October 2017

Reason You Appreciate Yourself

It’s so easy to get caught up with pleasing everyone else in life… But sometimes if you put all of your energy outwards, you forget to care, appreciate and nurture the most important person of all - you! Below are 7 beautiful quotes to inspire you to put yourself first. Enjoy :) 1. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”? – Buddha 2. “Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.”? – M. Scott Peck 3.“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”? – Lucille Ball 4. “Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.”? – Eleanor Roosevelt 5. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”? – Ralph Waldo Emerson 6. “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”? – Jean Shinoda Bolen 7. “Our self-respect tracks our choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that simple. Every choice matters.” ?– Dan Coppersmith I hope you enjoyed those quotes

Friday 11 August 2017

It's Never Too Late to Become a Millionaire.

I want to reveal something about myself that I hope will inspire you in your life. The truth is that the first time I earned a check for $1,000,000 was when I was 51 years old. It's never too late to become a millionaire. In fact, if you consider that I graduated from Harvard University when I was 21, it took me an utter 30 years to amass the knowledge, the connections, and the experience required to generate that much money. Slow and steady won the game. How about you? What can you do in your life to develop the millionaire mindset? And I want you to realize today with everything that's available on the internet, you don't have to wait 30 years to become a millionaire. 4 Things You Need to do to Become a Millionaire 1. Develop a Millionaire Mindset First, you must have the belief that you can easily become a millionaire. Belief comes from making a choice. All beliefs are thoughts. They're thoughts you think over and over and over until you don't even realize it's a conscious thought anymore, it just seems like it's reality. But you have the ability to change your beliefs. To develop your belief, practice daily affirmations like: "I am so happy and grateful that I'm now earning $1,000,000 a year." "I'm so happy and grateful that I am looking at my net worth and my stock account and it shows $2,000,000 or $20,000,000." (Or whatever it is.)"I'm so happy and grateful that I'm living a millionaire lifestyle." If you do the affirmation over and over, it becomes the new belief that becomes your reality and then everything in your unconscious mind and subconscious mind will start to organize itself to actually help you create it. 2. Know Your Purpose Behind Becoming a Millionaire The second thing is you must decide what being a millionaire means to you. These things that will keep you focused. Is it security? Is it freedom? Power? Prestige? The ability to travel anywhere you want in the world? Philanthropy? The ability to make a difference in the lives of others? Have the money to invest? Is it the ownership of a house, two houses, or a vacation home? Whatever that experience is for you, make sure that you write it down and get very clear what's the why behind being a millionaire. For me, becoming a millionaire wasn't about the big house and the big car. Now I have those things, but the real purpose for me was about having the freedom to pursue my visions and to live my life purposefully. To have the resources. To be able to hire staff. To have the electronic, video, and sound equipment at seminars. To be able to rent rooms, do PR, and pay for advertising. To be able to support my coaches. All those things that I wanted to do had to do with the vision of changing the world. I wanted to inspire and empower people to live their highest vision, so if everyone did, everything in the world would work. Make sure you get really clear about what is your purpose behind becoming a millionaire. Because that's going to drive it more than the actual million dollars. It's the feeling that you want to achieve and the impact that you want to have that is much more important. I suggest that you create a vision board of what you want and the pictures that would represent the lifestyle and experiences you expect to have when you're a millionaire. A vision board is simple, it could be on your door, your mirror, or your refrigerator door. It could be on paper, construction paper, or wherever you want to put it. It's simply a place where you staple, glue, tape, or however words like abundance, prosperity, freedom, travel, unlimited potential, and images. Be sure to include images of the vacations, the things you want to own, you on a stage, your children graduating, or whatever it might be that you think having a million dollar lifestyle would give you. 3. Transform Your Financial Comfort Zone We all have a financial set point just like the thermostat in your house. When we get to a certain level of earnings, our thermostat turns off the furnace, just like it turns off the furnace in your house when it reaches 68 or 70 degrees. And for some people making $75,000 a year is their comfort zone. They'll never make more than that unless they reset their thermostat. You have to reset it. I'll share a story with you about how this financial set point works...40 years ago I got a new job working at a training company in Los Angeles and the owner of that training company said he was going to go buy some shirts if I'd like to come along with him. We went to a store called Allandale's in Westlake, California and the cheapest shirt in that store was around $100. The owner was buying shirts for like $150. I had never bought a shirt for more than $38 from a place like Nordstrom's. This was way out of my comfort zone to spend that much money on a shirt. I wanted him to think that I was successful so I bought one shirt that cost me $148. I'll never forget this. I took that shirt home and I wore it and I sent it to the cleaners. When it came back, I noticed that it was always the first shirt I would reach for. It was a better quality shirt, it was designed better, it looked better, and it felt better. Pretty soon my comfort zone changed from $38 shirts to $150 shirts and those are the only shirts I buy now and I've bought ever since. The act of moving into a new place shifted my entire sense of myself and made me uncomfortable wearing the lesser quality shirt. Comfort zones are very powerful and you can change your comfort zone by visualizing, affirming, and taking actions in that new comfort zone that become a habit. 4. Decide Exactly What You Want in Life Finally, you're going to need to decide how much money you want to have in your life. The exact annual salary, the exact net profit from your business, your total net worth, your portfolio of investments, investment income, and how much you want to have when you retire. You have to believe it's possible to attain that. Come up with a specific number. To stay focused on this number I want to teach you about a powerful tool which I've mentioned called affirmations. Affirmations are simply statements you repeat over and over and over affirming your new reality. I like to use the very simple little formula, “I'm so happy and grateful that I now…” For example, "I'm so happy and grateful that I now am looking at my bank statement of $1,000,000 a year." Once you've created your affirmation, based on your goal and the numbers that you came up with, spend at least two to three minutes in the morning and two to three minutes at night repeating your affirmation every day. If you have three or four affirmations that's great, go through them one at a time. Close your eyes and visualize having that reality. To help yourself develop a millionaire mindset and shift your comfort zone I want you to write several affirmations that are expressing your eventual income and lifestyle. “I'm so happy and grateful that I now have a $200,000 a year income or $500,000 a year income or $1,000,000 income.” “I'm so happy and grateful that I now spend my days traveling the world, solving problems to impact investing.” “I'm so happy and grateful that I fully funded our kid's college education expenses and have secured it in a 529 plan.” Take a few minutes twice a day when you first wake up and right before you go to bed and repeat each affirmation. Close your eyes and see it clearly. As long as you're intending it, even if it's vague, it works. Make sure you visualize it as if it's already come true and then feel the feelings you would feel. Fill in all the details of where you'd be, who else is there, what's being said and as I said, most important, create the experience of the emotions you'd be feeling if you'd already achieved it. Just like an actor. Would it be joy, gratitude, happiness, pride, feeling powerful, or generous? Whatever you think you would feel, create that feeling in your body. Use these financial goals as your destination. Your financial goal is one of your important destinations, the affirmation and the visualization is the car you're going to drive to get there, and the emotional feeling is the fuel that's going to propel that car. Research seems to show now that the emotions are the most critical part of this process. Take Action Here is your millionaire mindset homework to complete after reading this blog. Pull out your checkbook and write a check payable to yourself for the amount of money that you want to make in the next year. Sign and date the check, and place it somewhere where you're going to see it every day. Use it as a daily reminder of where you want to be, the work you want to do, and whatever is necessary to reach that goal. Put it on your mirror, your refrigerator, or under the glass on your desk at work. You could even photograph it and make it a screensaver on your computer.

Sunday 23 July 2017

The Major Obstacles to Financial Freedom & How to Overcome.

The Major Obstacles to Financial Freedom & How to Overcome Them Financial Success financial freedom, make more money There are many major mental obstacles that deter financial success. The most common reason is that some people believe, for whatever reason, that they don’t deserve to be rich. Now, I know some of you may be asking, why is that? Some people, including myself, have been raised with a steady drumbeat of destructive criticism. This has led them to conclude, at an unconscious level, that they don’t deserve to be successful and happy. Of course, this is untrue. Yet, this negative way of thinking can lead to destructive financial habits. These habits can be hard to break. Learn how to invest. Generate high returns in the stock market with low risk. Change Your Attitude Toward Money Negative experiences in childhood, which are all too common, can have terrible effects. For example, when people actually do succeed as the result of hard work, they feel guilty. These guilt feelings then cause them to do things to get rid of the money, to throw it away. They spend it or invest it foolishly. They lend it, lose it or give it away. They engage in self-sabotage. It can come in the form of overeating, excessive drinking, drug usage, marital infidelity and often dramatic personality changes. To change your results with money, you have to change your attitude toward it. You have to make a habit of seeing money as something positive. The fact is that money is very much like a lover. It must be courted and coaxed and flattered and treated with care and attention. It gravitates toward people who respect it, value it and are capable of doing worthwhile things with it. It flows through the fingers and flees from people who do not understand it, or who do not take proper care of it. See Yourself as Deserving of Money Sometimes people say that they are not very good with money. But being good with money is a skill that anyone can learn through practice. Usually, saying that one is not very good with money is merely an excuse or a rationalization. The fact is that the person is not very successful or disciplined with money. The person has not learned how to acquire it or to hold on to it. The starting point of accumulating money is for you to believe in yourself. You have an unlimited capacity to obtain all the money that you will ever need. Look at yourself as a financial success waiting for a place to happen. And see yourself as deserving all you can acquire. Money is Essential to Our Lives Money is good. Money gives you choices and enables you to live your life the way you want to live it. Money opens doors for you that would have been closed in its absence. But just like anything, an obsession can be hurtful. If a person becomes so preoccupied with money, he may lose sight of the fact that money is merely a tool. If money becomes something used to acquire happiness, then it becomes a harmful thing. Money is essential to our lives in society. It is also neutral. It is neither good nor bad. It is only the way that it is acquired and the uses to which it is put that determines whether it is helpful or hurtful. Take Action! Here are things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action: First, recognize and accept that virtually everyone who has money today at one time was broke and probably broke for a long time. Then they learned the skills of accumulating money and they are now financially independent. Whatever they have done, you can probably do as well. Second, become a student of money from this day forward. Study it, learn about it and apply the lessons you discover toward your own financial life until you begin to attract more and more money in your direction. Take a good look at your expenses - Disassociate your happiness with spending money on immediate pleasures. Unhappy people go on shopping sprees and buy things they don’t need when they know they can't afford it. Pay yourself first - If you haven’t already done so, open a “financial freedom account” at your bank, where you can deposit money leftover from your expenses to save for the long-term. Think prosperity - Wealthy, happy people think in terms of prosperity and how they can use their money to make money. Look for opportunities to acquire and keep money, whether it’s investing in a new product, process, or breakthrough. Money is hard to earn and easy to lose. Guard yours with care. To your success Turningpointzone

How To Be Happy

Do you want to be happy and feel more fulfilled in everything you do? Do you want to know what it feels like to have a sense of purpose in your life? A guiding compass that will lead you towards everything you’ve ever wanted, regardless of what life throws at you? There are many of us who don’t get to know what living a fulfilling life truly feels like because we haven’t released what I call "our psychological and emotional 'brakes'" yet. These brakes are often times fueled by guilt — the feeling of not being worth very much. In other words, we feel worthless deep down inside. We say to ourselves, “Who am I to want to be happy, loved, and fulfilled? I don’t deserve it because I’m not good enough.” We look at others who are (or appear to be) better than us and think, “I’m not good enough.” Guilt is one of the most powerful negative phenomena that brings down the hopes of so many people in society today. And even if you’ve worked hard and found success, you feel like an imposter. You feel guilty that others will find out that deep inside, you’re not that good. You live your life with an uneasy feeling that everything is going to be taken away from you at any minute. The fact of the matter is: you deserve all the happiness and fulfillment that you can legitimately enjoy by doing something worthwhile in the world. Here are the keys to ridding yourself of guilt and releasing the brakes: Eliminate destructive criticism - Don’t say anything about yourself that you don’t want to be true. Refuse to be manipulated by guilt - When someone tries to make you feel guilty, smile and cheerfully ask them, “Are you trying to make me feel guilty?” If they are, tell them it’s not going to work. Refuse to use guilt and blame on others - Never mention a past mistake ever again to someone. Mistakes happen and life goes on. Use the Law of Forgiveness - Your ability to forgive those who have wronged you is the mark of how far you’ve come as a human. Your life only gets better when you get better. To your happiness, Turningpointzone

Tuesday 27 June 2017

How to Overcome Your Fears, Get Unstuck, and Fuel Your Success

What scares you? Learning how to overcome fears of failure can be challenging for everyone.
Fortunately, all fears are learned. No one is born with fears. Fears can therefore, be unlearned by practicing self-discipline repeatedly with regard to fear until it goes away.
The most common fears that we experience, which often sabotage all hope for success, are the fear of failure, poverty, and loss of money.
These fears cause people to avoid risk of any kind and to reject opportunity when it is presented to them. They are so afraid of failure that they are almost paralyzed when it comes to taking any chances at all.
There are many other fears that interfere with our happiness.
  • People fear the loss of love or
  • People fear the loss of their jobs and their financial security.
  • People fear embarrassment or ridicule.
  • People fear rejection and criticism of any kind.
  • People fear the loss of respect or esteem of others.
These and many other fears hold us back throughout life…
Here are a few techniques to help you overcome your fears and fuel your success:

Fear Paralyzes Action

The most common reaction in a fear situation is the attitude of, “I can’t!”
This is the fear of failure that stops us from taking action. It is experienced physically, starting in the pit of your stomach.
When people are really afraid, their mouth and throat go dry, their heart starts pounding. Sometimes they breathe shallowly and their stomach churns.
These are all physical manifestations of the inhibitive negative habit pattern, which we all experience from time to time.

Fear Shuts Our Brain Down

Whenever a person is in the grip of fear, he feels like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. This fear paralyzes action. It often shuts down the brain and causes the individual to revert to the “fight-or-flight” reaction.
Fear is a terrible emotion that undermines our happiness and can hold us back throughout our lives.

Visualize Yourself as Unafraid

By visualizing yourself performing with confidence and competence in an area where you are fearful, your visual image will eventually be accepted by your subconscious mind as instructions for your performance.
Your self-image, the way you see yourself and think about yourself, is eventually altered by feeding your mind these positive mental pictures of yourself performing at your best.

Practice Acting “As If”

By using the “act as if” method, you walk, talk, and carry yourself exactly as you would if you were completely unafraid in a particular situation.
You stand up straight, smile, move quickly and confidently, and in every respect act as if you already had the courage that you desire.

Use the Law of Reversibility

The Law of Reversibility says that “If you feel a certain way, you will act in a manner consistent with that feeling.”
But if you act in a manner consistent with that feeling, even if you don’t feel it, the Law of Reversibility will create the feeling that is consistent with your actions.
This is one of the greatest breakthroughs in success psychology. You develop the courage you desire by disciplining yourself repeatedly to do the thing you fear until that fear eventually disappears—and it will.

Confront Your Fears Immediately

Your ability to confront, deal with, and act in spite of your fears is the key to happiness and success.
One of the best exercises you can practice is to identify a person or situation in your life of which you are afraid and resolve to deal with that fear situation immediately.
Do not allow it to make you unhappy for another minute. Resolve to confront the situation or person and put the fear behind you.

Move Toward the Fear

When you identify a fear and discipline yourself to move toward it, it grows smaller and more manageable.
What’s more, as your fears grow smaller, your confidence grows.  Soon, your fears lose their control over you.
In contrast, when you back away from a fear-inducing situation or person, your fear grows larger and larger.
Soon it dominates your thinking and feeling, preoccupies you during the day, and often keeps you awake at night.

Deal With the Fear Directly

The only way to deal with a fear is to address it head-on.
Remind yourself that, “Denial” is not a river in Egypt.
The natural tendency of many people is to deny that they have a problem caused by fear of some kind. They’re afraid of confronting it. In turn, it becomes a major source of stress, unhappiness, and psychosomatic illness.
Be willing to deal with the situation or person directly.
As Shakespeare said, “Take arms against a sea of troubles, and in so doing, end them.”
When you force yourself to face any fear-inducing situation in your life, your self-esteem goes up, your self-respect increases, and your sense of personal pride grows.

You eventually reach the point in life where you are not afraid of anything.
Focus and determination attract positive thinking. Be Yourself.
To Your Success
Okundia Austin

The Major Obstacles to Financial Freedom & How to Overcome Them

Financial Success financial freedom, make more money

There are many major mental obstacles that deter financial success. The most common reason is that some people believe, for whatever reason, that they don’t deserve to be rich. Now, I know some of you may be asking, why is that?

Some people, including myself, have been raised with a steady drumbeat of destructive criticism. This has led them to conclude, at an unconscious level, that they don’t deserve to be successful and happy.

Of course, this is untrue. Yet, this negative way of thinking can lead to destructive financial habits. These habits can be hard to break.

Learn how to invest. Generate high returns in the stock market with low risk.
Change Your Attitude Toward Money

Negative experiences in childhood, which are all too common, can have terrible effects. For example, when people actually do succeed as the result of hard work, they feel guilty.

These guilt feelings then cause them to do things to get rid of the money, to throw it away. They spend it or invest it foolishly. They lend it, lose it or give it away. They engage in self-sabotage. It can come in the form of overeating, excessive drinking, drug usage, marital infidelity and often dramatic personality changes.

To change your results with money, you have to change your attitude toward it. You have to make a habit of seeing money as something positive.

The fact is that money is very much like a lover. It must be courted and coaxed and flattered and treated with care and attention. It gravitates toward people who respect it, value it and are capable of doing worthwhile things with it. It flows through the fingers and flees from people who do not understand it, or who do not take proper care of it.
See Yourself as Deserving of Money

Sometimes people say that they are not very good with money. But being good with money is a skill that anyone can learn through practice.

Usually, saying that one is not very good with money is merely an excuse or a rationalization. The fact is that the person is not very successful or disciplined with money. The person has not learned how to acquire it or to hold on to it.

The starting point of accumulating money is for you to believe in yourself. You have an unlimited capacity to obtain all the money that you will ever need.

Look at yourself as a financial success waiting for a place to happen. And see yourself as deserving all you can acquire.
Money is Essential to Our Lives

Money is good. Money gives you choices and enables you to live your life the way you want to live it. Money opens doors for you that would have been closed in its absence.

But just like anything, an obsession can be hurtful. If a person becomes so preoccupied with money, he may lose sight of the fact that money is merely a tool. If money becomes something used to acquire happiness, then it becomes a harmful thing.

Money is essential to our lives in society. It is also neutral. It is neither good nor bad. It is only the way that it is acquired and the uses to which it is put that determines whether it is helpful or hurtful.
Take Action!

Here are things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, recognize and accept that virtually everyone who has money today at one time was broke and probably broke for a long time. Then they learned the skills of accumulating money and they are now financially independent. Whatever they have done, you can probably do as well.

Second, become a student of money from this day forward. Study it, learn about it and apply the lessons you discover toward your own financial life until you begin to attract more and more money in your direction.

Take a good look at your expenses - Disassociate your happiness with spending money on immediate pleasures. Unhappy people go on shopping sprees and buy things they don’t need when they know they can't afford it.

Pay yourself first - If you haven’t already done so, open a “financial freedom account” at your bank, where you can deposit money leftover from your expenses to save for the long-term.

Think prosperity - Wealthy, happy people think in terms of prosperity and how they can use their money to make money. Look for opportunities to acquire and keep money, whether it’s investing in a new product, process, or breakthrough.
Money is hard to earn and easy to lose. Guard yours with care.

To your success
Okundia Austin

Saturday 10 June 2017

can vitamin c help in fighting cancer?

What scientists know - and don't know - about treating cancer with nutrients.
Hydroxyurea. Mercaptopurine. Cyclophosphamide. One thing all cancer drugs seem to have in common is their hard-to-spell names.
Or do they? How about A? D? E? These aren't fancy new drugs - they're plain old vitamins. Yet, when administered by scientists in large doses, some vitamins may act like drugs, or work with standard cancer-fighting drugs. It isn't clear yet whether the research into this futuristic notion of vitamin chemo-therapy will ever pan out. But if the research is successful, chemotherapy could be much easier to take - and a lot easier to spell.
Here's what scientists have learned so far:
Synthetic versions of vitamins A and D seem to hold promise in the treatment of myeloid leukemia, a cancer of white blood cells.
The main problem in leukemia is that immature white blood cells proliferate in the bloodstream, crowding out normal red and white cells. This causes severe anemia and comprises the immune system. But through a hormonal interaction, vitamins A and D seem to make the immature cells grow up. Mature cells appear to stop their rapid reproduction and are able to carry out their immune-system functions.
Initially the active form of vitamin D was tested, but in high doses this has the unfortunate side-effect of causing the body to retain calcium. That could cause complications, including hardening of the vital organs and death. But the synthetic version of vitamin D has a more powerful maturing influence on leukemia cells - and a much-lowered calcium-loading mechanism. In studies on leukemia lab mice, this synthetic compound achieved much better results than pure vitamin D. "Some of the mice treated with synthetic D may actually be cured of their leukemia," reports H. Phillip Koeffler, M.D., professor of medicine at UCLA and one of the leading researchers in this field.
Synthetic vitamin A has been tested in humans against leukemia, but not on a very widespread scale. A few years ago, American researchers at several different medical centers were involved in a double-blind, randomized trial of 13-cisretinoic acid (a retinoid compound) in patients with a pre-leukemia condition called myelodysplastic syndrome. Problems with the study - including many patients quitting the trial - cast suspicion on the results, according to Dr. Koeffler.
One of the researchers, however, continued the study on his own after the trial ended, and found a significant response. Was the original trial too short? It's hard to say without attempts to duplicate those results. The study also showed physicians that the side-effects of retinoid therapy drying can be reduced with doses of vitamin E.
More reports have come from other countries. Researchers in China and France have reportedly achieved promising results using trans retinoic acid (ATRA) against acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Most of the patients in Chinese studies went to remission. A French researcher has reportedly duplicated their results.
Other research shows that of seven APL patients (from four different studies) treated with isotretinoin, four had what was termed "remarkable responses." Clearly, there's enough evidence to warrant further research on both synthetic A and D.
Leucovorin is a synthetic form of the B vitamin folate. It's being used in in combination with a cancer drug called fluorouracil, commonly referred to as 5-FU. 5-FU/leucovorin is being used against several types of cancer.
By itself, 5-FU has been used against colon cancer for more than 5 decades. It interferes with cancer growth by binding to an enzyme needed for cell reproduction. (Some cancer cells reproduce much faster than normal cells. That's how some tumours grow in relation to surrounding tissue.)
Leucovorin, though, seems to strengthen the bond between 5-FU and the enzyme. The drug/vitamin combination hold onto the enzyme for a longer period than the drug alone. Fewer free enzymes means slowed or stopped tumour growth.
5-FU/leucovorin has determined its effectiveness against advanced, inoperable colon cancer. "That's where we hope to have real impact on the survival rates," says Susan G. Arbuck, a research clinician at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, in New York.
5-FU/leucovorin is currently also being tested against a variety of other melignancies, including cancers of the stomach, breast, pancreas, head and neck.
Colorectal polyps are easy to remove but may recur. That prompted researchers at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in Canada to test the effect of vitamin C and E on polyp recurrence.
Two hundred people who were free of polyps after surgery were split into two groups. One was given daily supplements of 400 mg. of vitamin E. the other got blank look-alikes. After about two years, all the patients were checked for polyp recurrence. The researchers noted a slight reduction in polyp recurrence among the patients receiving vitamins C and E. they stressed that further studies should be performed to rule out the possibility that this was a chance finding.
Bladder polyps, which can become cancerous, are fairly easy to treat by surgical removal. But there's a 70 per cent risk of recurrence or that new polyps will form. To prevent that, researchers at West Virginia University tested mega-doses of four vitamins as an adjunct to conventional therapy after bladder surgery.
Patients are being divided into two groups: People in one group take multiple vitamins at the recommended daily allowance levels; those in the other group get the same, but with mega-doses of vitamins A, B6, C and E. vitamin B6 has been tested with good results in other preliminary blabber-cancer studies in humans. Vitamins A and C have been tried against blabber cancer in animal studies, with early encouraging results. Vitamin E hasn't been tested specifically against bladder polyps before, but has shown promise in other cancer trials.
A few years ago, a report from the British Columbia Cancer research Center, in Vancouver, announced that Vitamin A could heal oral leukoplakias (pre-cancerous sores inside the mouth). The study involved 21 people who chew betel leaves with tobacco and betel nut mixture known to cause an abundance of leukoplakias. After six months of taking vitamin A supplements, 57 per cent of the people showed no detectable disease. And none of the tobacco/betel chewers developed new sores while on the vitamin A. experts estimate that normally only 5 per cent of such sores disappear on their own.
Now word comes from the University of California Clinical Cancer Center and the University of Arizona Cancer Center that a milder form of vitamin therapy has the same effect. Seventeen people with oral leukoplakias were given beta-carotene. Each person took 30 mg. of supplemental beta-carotene per day for three months. Those whose leukoplakias responded to the treatment were kept on it for an additional three months.
At the end of the study, two patients had complete remission of their leukoplakias, and 12 others had partial remission. Of the remaining three, one showed no change and the other two got worse. Overall, that's an 82 per cent positive response rate.
The exciting aspect of this study is that beta-carotene, the safest source of vitamin A, was so effective. Pure vitamin A is toxic in high doses, and even the retinoids have unpleasant side-effects (primarily skin problems). But beta-carotene is virtually problem-free, even in high doses. That's because the body converts only as much beta-carotene into vitamin A as is needed at the moment. The excess is excreted harmlessly.
Several synthetic forms of vitamin A, collectively called retinoids, have been tested as treatments for skin cancers known as basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinoma. In several tests - just in the experimental stage - oral doses of retinoids have been effective against these carcinomas because retinoids accumulate primarily in the skin.
Most of the studies performed so far have been small, but the results are encouraging. These skin cancers, like all the others that retinoids have been used against, are unlikely to regress on their own. So researchers think that even though their tests are preliminary and have no control groups, the retinoids are probably responsible for the positive effects.
The retinoids etretinate and isotretinoin have been used to treat basal-cell carcinoma. In three separate studies on a total of 56 people, 23 showed a partial regression of cancer (the tumour shrank), and five showed complete regression (disappeared). This is an overall response rate of 50 per cent, meaning that half the people experienced some decrease in the number or size of tumours.
Retinoids have also been tested against malignant melanoma, a more serious form of skin cancer. Preliminary results from a small study of 20 people with advanced melanoma showed some shrinkage of tumours in three people. It's far from a cure, but it's a glimmer of hope against a type of cancer that has been resistant to drugs.
A rare skin cancer called mycosis fungoides had shown good response to retinoid therapy. In five preliminary studies, a total 78 people with the disease were put on oral isotretinoin. More than half showed at least a partial response.
Once treatment was completed, though, many of the cancers returned. This suggests that regular doses of retinoids may be required for a "cure". Among other things, doctors are conducting studies to determine the best maintenance dose: one that minimizes skin and mucous-membrane drying, the main side-effect.
Researchers are having better luck using oral retinoids against squamous-cell carcinoma. In four small studies, a total 14 squamous-cell patients were treated with etretinate (4 patients), isotretinoin (9), or arotinoid (1). Six of the 14 had partial remission (tumour reduced in size) or temporary remission (tumours shrank or stopped growing for a short time); another 4 had complete, sustained remissions of the squamous-cell tumours. That adds up to a 71 per cent response om an admittedly small sample.
Both basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas are relatively easy to cure with surgical removal (used in 90 per cent of cases), radiation therapy or tissue destruction with extreme heat or cold. So, why all this fuss about retinoids?
Surgery and other tissue-destroying therapies leave scars. That's not a big problem for a person with one tumour on the back of a hand. But a majority of people with carcinoma have several tumours on areas of body that are regularly exposed to the tumour-inducing ultraviolet rays of the sun: not only the hands, but the head and neck as well.
Retinoids don't leave scars: Tumours shrink away and normal tissue fills in. That's especially valuable in advanced disease. "One patient had severe, disfiguring tumours on his neck and nose. After six months on isotrtinoin, the neck tumour had shrunk to a small, flat lesion. And the nose tumour had shrunk by 70 per cent, with preliminary rebuilding of his all-but-eroded nose," explained Scott M. Lippman, M.D., of the hematology/oncology department of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas.
Vitamin chemotherapy is a seductive idea: The ultimate goal is an effective natural cancer treatment with no pain and minimal expense. But it's not quite that simple - yet.
Scientists are going full bore to see if any of these treatments will turn out to be effective. And even for the vitamins showing the greatest potential, questions of dosage and side-effects must be resolved.
Note, too, that several of the vitamin therapies don't use pure vitamins. Leucovorin and isotrtinoin are synthetic chemical equivalent of folate and vitamin A, respectively. Slight alterations in their chemistry make them more efficient treatments and/or reduce dangerous side-effects seen in high doses of the original vitamin. These synthetic vitamins are different enough to be treated as drugs by the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. where they're available by prescription only.
Until scientists nail down the facts, the best course is to go with what we know. Opt for the proven medical treatments. Have suspected cancer checked by a physician. And try a good defense: There's strong scientific evidence that a healthy diet can help prevent the start of certain types of cancer. To use this evidence to your fullest advantage, eat a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet that is low in fat. This includes low-fat meats and poultry, fish, whole-grain products, and generous amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you're on a restricted diet - or need added assurance that you're getting the requisite amount of vitamins and minerals - you may want to consider taking a multiple supplement.
My firm belief is: "Finding a cause leads the way to find a cure". So, it is basically important to understand everything from its deepest core. And the best way to do so is: Keep on reading to develop and deepen your understanding on health and wellness 

Thursday 20 April 2017

How To Permanently Remove Pearly Penile Papules?

Professors Predicted I Would Never Remove My Pearly Penile Papules. But Contrary to their Prediction, I Removed my Papules Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days! I'll Show You How...”

  -- Josh Marvin

As Seen On TV, YouTube, Yahoo, Google, Live Search, Podcast.com, Revver, Esnips, Podcast Alley, Kewego, Odeo

From The Desk Of: Josh Marvin
Subject: How To Permanently Remove Pearly Penile Papules?

If you want nothing more than to get rid of your pearly penile papules and get your sex life back (or for the first time), then this is by far the most important page you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:  
“Are The Ugly Bumps on Your “Man Friend” Ruining Your Sex Life?”

You know, being cursed with horrid puss-bumps on your penis is downright EMBARRASSING! No matter if you were born with these hideous things or if they suddenly appeared, you know your sex life can be changed in an instant if they were gone.

Does this sound like you?
. “My sex life has been ruined!”
. “I’m afraid to have intimate relationships!”
. “I’m scared women will think I have an STD or get totally grossed out!”
. “I’ve tried everything to get rid of these things and nothing works!”
. “I’m so embarrassed; I don’t want to talk to anyone about them, not even my parents or doctor!”

. “I have no confidence in myself anymore because I don’t feel like a real man.”
. “Even if she’s not disgusted by the look of them, the foul smell will surely run her away.”

. “I’m a virgin because I’m scared to see a girl’s reaction.”
. “Even though it hurts like hell, I’ve tried to pick them off and they keep coming back!”

. “I don’t have $3,000 to fork out for surgery. Besides, I don’t want anyone to put a laser to the `ole boy.”

What’s even worse is that you think about how terrible your life is every time you look at your penis. And, if you drink a lot of fluids, that could be an all-day torture.

“But What Are Pearly Penile Papules Anyway?”

For more details checkout this link http://RolandBest.flamingstudiospea.c2strack.com

Saturday 15 April 2017



Recently, I saw a friend of mine posted a picture of himself at Facebook -- the picture of him when he was young.

I remembered him. Of course, I do -- after all, he was my buddy where we used to talk about our big dreams and hopes when we step into the adventurous working world one day.
It was just like yesterday; it’s still fresh in my memory where we were both gazing on an ad of a sports car in a magazine (I think it was FHM magazine).
I can recall he saying this, “I’m going to drive that when I grow up.” I know he will because he is driven.
Years went by and we lost touch. Life takes us on different paths.
Today, we’re not kids anymore, but adults.
But when I saw his young picture yesterdayin Facebook, it just brought me to memory lane...
Today, he’s not working as a wildlife explorer like he ambitioned to be and is driving a normal car.
Yeah, I know – wildlife explorer and a sports cardoesn’t seem to gel well but hey, it’s his dream at that time.
He’s an accountant today. Don’t misunderstand me, there’s nothing wrong with being an accountant. It’s a good job. But I don’t think he ever gets into the “wildlife” dream at all. The closest is probably visiting zoos and I honestly doubt he has visited any that’s significant.
Somehow, along the way, his dreams were ROBBED.
The ugliest truth is, he’s being "robbed in daylight" and he didn’t even realize it.
Look at the car you’re driving today.
Look at your job today.
May I ask you - are they part of your original plan when you were growing up?
I know this is a sensitive question. I hope you understand the purpose of me asking you; it’s not to be impolite but sometimes... we want to know where we are at.
Because your dreams have been outright stolen.
2 “people” have stolen it from you:
1. Others who don’t want you to succeed because it’s either they don’t have your capability or they are too lazy to work for their own dreams. Because they can’t (or too lazy), they would prefer having “companions”.
So they stole your dreams by selling their dreams to you – and you somehow bought it along the way.
In the beginning, you didn’t buy. But because there are SO MANY of them selling to you the same "ideal" dream, probably due to less strong willpower that you may have at that stage, you lost.
You just can’t fight it. Fighting seems futile WHEN you’re fighting it alone.
2. Those who wants you to help them get rich.
If you live your dreams, then how are they going to live THEIR dreams?
So you’ve been “manipulated”… step-by-step… to buying into another dream that benefits someone else’s dream. Lopsided. Yet, you can't see it. It's designed for you to fail seeing it.
"Hey kid, don’t study any subject about wildlife explorer. You won’t find a job with that. Study accountancy instead – you’ll have a good future. Plenty of big corporations will hire you."
And one thing leads to another thing...
One day you wake up, you don’t even "understand" how 10 years have just passed in a blink and how you ended up in a job that wasn’t part of your dream at all.
How did that happen?
You are 40 now. Maybe 30. Or 50. I don't know how old you are today... but can you truly comprehend the years you've lost?
Maybe, realistically, you cannot be a wildlife explorer. But that doesn’t mean you cannot pursue that passion... if you are not stuck in a cubicle or something in the first place.
But that passion may have been buried so deep inside, you don’t even dare to dream of it – again. Or... do you dare?
I’ll say; it’s time you reclaim your dream in 2017.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Time Management

21 Time Management Tips

I compiled this list of 21 tips to hopefully nudge you in the right direction.
Remember: There are innumerable hacks and tricks to manage your time effectively. These are some tips that I find helpful, but everyone is different.
Let this list be a catalyst to get you thinking regularly about how to refine your own practices.

1. Complete most important tasks first.

This is the golden rule of time management. Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first.
Once you’re done, the day has already been a success. You can move on to other things, or you can let them wait until tomorrow. You’ve finished the essential.

2. Learn to say “no”.

Making a lot of time commitments can teach us how to juggle various engagements and manage our time. This can be a great thing.
However, you can easily take it too far. At some point, you need to learn to decline opportunities. Your objective should be to take on only those commitments that you know you have time for and that you truly care about.

3. Sleep at least 7-8 hours.

Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to hack productivity and wring a couple extra hours out of the day. This is not the case.
Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. You know if you’re getting enough. Listen to your body, and don’t underestimate the value of sleep.

4. Devote your entire focus to the task at hand.

Close out all other browser windows. Put your phone away, out of sight and on silent. Find a quiet place to work, or listen to some music if that helps you (I enjoy listening to classical or ambient music while writing sometimes).
Concentrate on this one task. Nothing else should exist. Immerse yourself in it.

5. Get an early start.

Nearly all of us are plagued by the impulse to procrastinate. It seems so easy, and you always manage to get it done eventually, so why not?
Take it from a recovering chronic procrastinator — it’s so much nicer and less stressful to get an earlier start on something. It isn’t that difficult either, if you just decide firmly to do it.

6. Don’t allow unimportant details to drag you down.

We often allow projects to take much, much longer than they could by getting too hung up on small details. I’m guilty of this. I’ve always been a perfectionist.
What I’ve found, though, is that it is possible to push past the desire to constantly examine what I’ve done so far. I’m much better off pressing onward, getting the bulk completed, and revising things afterward.

7. Turn key tasks into habits.

Writing is a regular task for me. I have to write all the time — for school, work, my student organization, my blog, etc. I probably write 5,000 – 7,000 words per week.
The amount of writing I do may seem like a lot to most people, but it’s very manageable for me, because it’s habitual. I’ve made it a point to write something every day for a long time.
I rarely break this routine. Because of this, my mind is in the habit of doing the work of writing. It has become quite natural and enjoyable. Could you do something similar? (Read “The Simple, Powerful Guide to Forming Any New Habit“)

8. Be conscientious of amount of TV/Internet/gaming time.

Time spent browsing Twitter or gaming or watching TV and movies can be one of the biggest drains on productivity.
I suggest becoming more aware of how much time you spend on these activities. Simply by noticing how they’re sucking up your time you’ll begin to do them less.

9. Delineate a time limit in which to complete task.

Instead of just sitting down to work on a project and thinking, “I’m going to be here until this is done,” try thinking, “I’m going to work on this for three hours”.
The time constraint will push you to focus and be more efficient, even if you end up having to go back and add a bit more later.

10. Leave a buffer-time between tasks.

When we rush from task to task, it’s difficult to appreciate what we’re doing and to stay focused and motivated.
Allowing ourselves down-time between tasks can be a breath of fresh air for our brains. While taking a break, go for a short walk, meditate, or perform some other mind-clearing exercise.

11. Don’t think of the totality of your to-do list.

One of the fastest ways to overwhelm yourself is to think about your massive to-do list. Realize that no amount of thought will make it any shorter.
At this point in time, all you can do is focus on the one task before you. This one, single, solitary task. One step at a time. Breathe.

12. Exercise and eat healthily.

Numerous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle with work productivity. Similar to getting enough sleep, exercising and eating healthily boost energy levels, clear your mind, and allow you to focus more easily.

13. Do less.

This is a tactic recommended by one of my favorite bloggers, Leo Babauta. Basically, do less is another way of saying do the things that really matter.
Slow down, notice what needs to be done, and concentrate on those things. Do less things that create more value, rather than more things that are mostly empty.

14. Utilize weekends, just a little bit.

One of my favorite memes depicts a gentleman casting his work aside, declaring, “It’s Friday! F#%$88u this shit.” The following image reads “Monday”, and the man is stooping to pick up the papers he’d tossed to the ground.
This is comical, but I’ve found that it’s amazing how doing just a little bit on weekends can really lessen the workload during the week. Aim for 2-4 hours per day. You’ll still leave yourself plenty of free time for activities.

15. Create organizing systems.

Being organized saves tons of time, and you don’t have to be the most ultra-organized person in the world either. Systems aren’t complicated to implement.
Create a filing system for documents. Make sure all items have a place to be stored in your dwelling. Unsubscribe from e-mail lists if you don’t want to receive their content. Streamline, streamline, streamline.

16. Do something during waiting time.

We tend to have a lot of down-time where we don’t try to do much. Waiting rooms, lines at the store, time on the subway, on the elliptical at the gym, etc.
Find things to do during this time. I tend to have a lot of reading for classes, so I bring some of it almost everywhere I go and read during waiting time.

17. Lock yourself in.

No distractions, no excuses. Sometimes, the only way I’m going to get something done is if I’m under lock and key, alone in a room. If you’re like me, realize it, and act accordingly.

18. Commit to your plan to do something.

I kind of mentioned this already, but it’s worth repeating. Don’t flake on your own plan to do something!
Be resolute. Be committed. Be professional about it, and follow through. A firm will to accomplish what you decide to accomplish will take you anywhere.

19. Batch related tasks together.

Let’s say that over a given weekend you need to do two programming assignments, write three essays, and make two videos. Rather than approaching this work in whatever order you feel, group the like tasks and do them consecutively.
Different tasks demand different types of thinking, so it makes sense to allow your mind to continue to flow with its current zone rather than switching unnecessarily to something that’s going to require you to re-orient.

20. Find time for stillness.

In our go, go, go world, too many people don’t find time to just be still. Yet, it’s extraordinary what a stillness practice can do. Action and inaction should both play key roles in our lives.
Discovering time in your life for silence and non-motion reduces anxiety and shows you that there is no need to constantly rush. It also makes it easier to find your work pleasurable.

21. Eliminate the non-essential.

I know this one has been mentioned in one capacity or another already, but it’s one of the most useful tips you can take away from this post.
Our lives are full of excess. When we can identify that excess and remove it, we become more and more in touch with what is significant and what deserves our time.

One Last Tip (The Best One)

There’s one final tip I want to mention. If you remember one thing from this post, remember this:
Enjoyment should always be the goal. Work can be play.
We get so caught up in busyness that we forget to enjoy what we’re doing. Even when we focus on working smarter, we’re still often too focused on getting things done.
This should never be the point. Always ask yourself: What can I do to spend more time enjoying what I’m doing?
The goal should be to arrange your commitments in a way that you’re happy living out the details of your daily life, even while you’re working.
This may sound like a pipe dream, but it’s more possible than ever in today’s world. Be curious. Be open to opportunity. Know yourself. Embrace your passions.
Wonderful things will happen. Best of luck implementing these tips, and let me know if I can do anything else to help you.